Monday 10 December 2007

A Winter Fairy tale wedding

What a beautiful wedding and couple to finish the wedding season off in 2007. Hannah and Grant are a couple made for each other and one again (seems to be a theme for winter weddings) it was an international occasion with guests from around the world.

Hannah and Grant got married in Guildford, Surrey and the day was a beautiful crisp winter morning. We got lovely getting ready shots of Hannah and her family, which was followed by a dash down the high street to the church on a busy morning.

A beautiful church ceremony was followed by a lovely reception at a venue called The Barn. We had a great day shooting the couple, got some lovely portraits, even if it was a cold that day at (-2c).

Congratulations Hannah and Grant from all of us at Tushar Shah Photography.

1 comment:

ManojVasanth said...


I enjoy watching the human emotions are poured through photography.

Brilliant!! Priceless!!!

Thanks :)